It is a true thrill for a farmer to see others sharing the same level of respect and enthusiasm for produce as those who raise and grow it. We couldn’t be more proud to be delivering our produce, meats and eggs to the most discerning restaurants, cafes and luxury lodges in Queenstown, Wanaka, Arrowtown and the Central Otago region. If you’ve been lucky enough to have dined at the best in the Central Otago and Queenstown regions, chances are you’ve already tried our produce.

Our end-to-end philosophy has lead us to building our own distribution services to better cater for local chefs, meaning we can deliver our food faster and fresher. We’re also happy to consider special orders and producing speciality cuts or growing heirloom varieties of produce, so if your restaurant is looking for the best of what is local please do send us a note.



Just some our favourite eateries who cook what Royalburn grows.


We couldn’t be more proud to be delivering our produce, meats and eggs to the most discerning restaurants, cafes and luxury lodges in Queenstown, Wanaka, Arrowtown and the Central Otago region – masters at creating dishes that’ll truly inspire.