Our horticulture wing includes an organic market garden where biodynamic practices are used – working with the soil and livestock, the elements, and the rhythm of the planets and moon – to produce exceptional produce.

Set on twenty acres, our market garden is an end to end operation with all our plants sown, propagated, grown, harvested, packaged and delivered direct from here. Our market garden produce is guaranteed to be super fresh, organic and as good as homegrown.

We’ve opted to grow from both hybrid and heritage seed stocks, carefully selecting our favourite heirloom varieties that are superior in looks (with all their crazy colours, shapes and textures) and taste, but also because we strongly believe in keeping genetic diversity alive. Some of these plants haven’t been grown commercially for generations, so we are stoked to be bringing them back to people’s plates. Alongside our core product lines, we grow produce to chefs’ specific requests.

Decent organic compost is expensive but vital for great vegetables – that’s why we make it ourselves. We have set-up a ‘cow composting’ system with a large area of carbon-rich straw, (from our arable crops), layered with biochar (which we make from wood, bone and shell waste). With an open gate from their paddock, our small herd of cattle spend as much time as they like on this pad of straw. Their manure and urine help break down the straw and activate the biochar, creating tons of beautiful nutrient and carbon-rich compost.

A section of the market garden is dedicated to heritage grain seed multiplication trials where our aim is to produce enough organically grown heritage wheat and barley seed to make it commercially viable. It’s a three-to-five-year project, so we’ll keep you posted!

Our horticulture wing includes an organic market garden where biodynamic practices are used – working with the soil and livestock, the elements, and the rhythm of the planets and moon – to produce exceptional produce.