Wool is amazing. This 100 percent renewable, biodegradable fibre is currently under-utilised and sitting in woolsheds nationwide doing nothing because there is no money in strong wool (different to merino wool). Farmers lose money on wool; however, sheep must be shorn for their health and comfort. 

Wool fibres are stronger than synthetic fibres, last longer, and don’t contribute to the microplastic pollution of our environment. You only have to bury a piece of wool in the ground and observe it rot down to understand why we should be using more of it instead of synthetic materials (which certainly do not rot down). As long as grass is growing, wool will keep growing – it doesn’t get more sustainable or renewable than that.

For animal heath, we shear our lambs annually in the peak of summer to reduce heat stress. Working alongside our friends at Exquisite Wool Blankets, our lambs’ wool is then spun into yarn and made into long-lasting, luxurious woollen blankets and throws. We are also using wool to make seedling pots and weed matting in the garden.

Our blankets are available here in our online store.



Wool is amazing. This 100 percent renewable, biodegradable fibre is currently underutilised and sitting in woolsheds nationwide doing nothing because there is no money in strong wool (different to merino wool). Farmers lose money on wool; however, sheep must be shorn for their health and comfort.